Innovative Waste Solutions, (IWS) is a consortium of professionals dedicated to finding innovative waste handling/treatment solutions. We have extensive experience with waste water, agriculture, industrial discharges, soils, nutrients, engineering, system installation, project management, and system maintenance and operation. Our projects range in scope from farm to municipality. The scope of the application is tailored to the use.


To provide innovative waste handling solutions to address the needs of all stakeholders. Conventional solutions typically only address a narrow aspect of the problem. IWS looks at each waste stream as an opportunity and how those opportunities can be combined in innovative ways. We apply proven technologies in innovative ways to assure success that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.


IWS is not a consulting firm motivated to sell you an expensive system; we are an active partner in the solution. We strongly believe the key to finding solutions begins with listening to the needs of all stakeholders. We believe in long-term partnerships and shared rewards so that all stakeholders benefit from the solutions, and have a financial stake in the success of the implemented solution. Sometimes the best solution is for an expanded problem. We encourage you to contact us so we can begin working together to develop innovative solutions for your waste handling needs.


We believe the most important value in any solution is listening to those who have an active stake in both the problem and solution: the stakeholders. These may include farmers, municipalities, industry, residents, etc. Without first thoroughly understanding the problem and what opportunities may therein lie, you cannot promote a viable solution. We also believe that without including ourselves as a stakeholder, we cannot demonstrate a long-term commitment to the solution; therefore, IWS plays an active role, not only up-front, but over the course of the project so our interests are tied to those of the other stakeholders as a team.



Lynn Green 

Lynn Green

Karsten Zuendel 

Karsten Zuendel
